Darren tagged me so I'd have to update my blog... and being tagged is a lot like being dared to do something, which I do not posses the strength to ignore, soooo.....
favorite show- House MD, LOST, Rock of Love Charm School (pure, unadulterated trash!) and Celebrity Rehab
favorite ice cream- Coldstone Cake Batter and Archer Farms Georgia Butter Pecan
favorite candy- frozen Snickers
favorite cleaner- Windex, I guess.
weird fact #1- Even the least little bit of caffeine makes me crazy.
weird fact #2- I can't handle or cut raw meat, ewwwww!
weird fact #3- I don't like eggs, fish, or any seafood.
fast food or homemade- homemade when I have the time
favorite holiday-Halloween
mac or pc-PC, mac users are weird!
Tag One L and Nichol, you're it!
Stayman Winesap Apple Crumble (Jumbo) Muffins
3 months ago
Freak...update your blog already!!I want to see the girls for crying out loud!
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