Saturday, June 7, 2008

Just a quick post...

Wanted to share a couple things that made me smile today!

Michelle's oldest son made this cool little stop motion video with her digital camera! How fun is that?

And this new blog I stumbled on yesterday, aptly named Apronista, is just the most fun thing ever! I love the "life, love, and the pursuit of ric-rac" line! I can't sew to save my life, but this makes me want to learn!

Had a garage sale today and unloaded a bunch of "junk." Now maybe I can fit my van in the garage!

peace out!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Creativity in Bloom!

Creativity In Bloom-Holiday Edition
Grab your friends and come join us at Devine Memories for a fun filled day of creativity, laughter, and friends.
Friday September 5th (6-9pm)-Saturday September 6th (10am-10pm)
Get a jump start on the holidays with classes taught by:
Katherine Brooks
Jamie Harper
Michelle Devine
Amy O'Neil
Sandy Elcock
4 classes and one mini class with wonderful Winter Holiday themes!
Class fee is $185 for all 5 classes-includes:
Catered Lunch
A meet and greet with special artist vendor tables
Goodies galore
Free goodie bags and prizes
Special discounts through out the store and more.
Registration runs June 2nd-August 20th
Seating is limited
Payment plan available.
Call the store today and reserve your space 480-813-2093
email any questions to
(Yes, I'm teaching with Katherine Brooks, Jamie Harper, The Devine Miss M, and Sandy... jeez, no pressure!)