First, a shameless plug for my upcoming class at Devine Memories.
"I don't know about you, but it seems that everyone I know is pregnant! Something in the water maybe???? If you know of a new mom-to-be or a mom that wants to get caught up on baby's first year, "Oh Baby" is the perfect class. Amy will walk you through creating an entire calendar based album to keep track of all those milestones of baby's first year.Saturday, June 28th, 10am-1pm, class fee $30"
Not much else is going on right now... girls are doing well, its getting HOT outside, and I'm happier than I've been in a LONG time.
Look at your beautiful girls!! Your class looks like a blast, have fun teaching!!
I love the picture of the girls...they are so beautiful...just like their mom. I wish I could take your class, it looks amazing.
glad things are getting better for you! cute pics of the girls!
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